Monday, June 28, 2004

Joe Perry's Hot Sauce


AEROSMITH guitartist JOE PERRY will make an appearance on the Food Network's Emeril Live on June 27th promoting his hot sauce, "Joe Perry's Rock Your World Boneyard Brew."

Joe Perry doesn't quite meet the standards for being advanced, but I'm always for musicians branching out. Lou Reed should have his own line of cosmetics. He could call the cologne Blue Musk.

1 comment:

Juliette Rossant said...

I'm all for your Blue Musk suggestion -- in fact, I recommended the Red Hot Chili Peppers instead of Aerosmith's Joe Perry for the "Rock Your World Boneyard Brew" hotsauce on superchefblog ("Just a spoonful of Aerosmith makes the Emeril go down?").