Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Advanced Genius Theory in AccessAtlanta

Had a good interview with an editor at the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Here's a bit of the article on one of their partner sites:
For everyone who has ever bought the latest CD by their favorite rock legend and been disappointed, here’s the book for you.
 “The Advanced Genius Theory” (Simon and Schuster, $15) by Atlanta author Jason Hartley asserts that no matter what they do, musicians like Brian Wilson, Sting and Bob Dylan have not lost their musical minds. They are just so genius, they are still ahead of the times, and their former fans just haven’t caught up to them yet.
Hartley’s theory, which he first cooked up over a meal at Pizza Hut with lifelong friend Britt Bergman, classifies musicians as Overt or Advanced. Overt musicians may be “conventionally brilliant,” but their talent is limited, and they tend to appeal to a small fan base. Advanced musicians start out Overt, but not only do they eventually gain a mass following, they ultimately alienate their original fan base by producing work spectacularly different from what launched their careers.
There may be more in the AJC Sunday paper.


Musical Context Matters said...

Hey Jason. I read the article in the AJC today and it immediately sparked my interest. I have a blog that deals with a similar topic called Musical Context Matters. Check it out because a lot of the stuff is relevant to your theory.

Unknown said...

I'll check it out for sure. I'm trying to update my links because they are woefully out of date. I'll add yours as part of the cleanup.

Unknown said...

I like your blog. Have you abandoned it or just taken a break?

manilajones said...

I just read your book. I really enjoyed it. Well done!

Team J said...

Thanks! Spread the word...

Team J said...

Sorry, it's Jason. I forgot I am on my wife's account.