Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Beatles - "Revolution" (Live Promotional Movie)

As you may remember, I'm one of the few people who think the Beatles are underrated (for being able to rock, that is).


Anonymous said...

Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey is probably one of the more raucous rock numbers they recorded. That's a truly underrated song.

Advanced Genius Theory said...

Indeed! Nice to hear from a fellow traveler...

Anonymous said...

While I totally agree that they could rock live like nobody's business (confirmed by no less an authority than Lemmy!), this clip isn't totally live--the vocals are live but the backing track is prerecorded (and is in fact a vocal-less mix of the single version, tho' they do the "shoo be do wop" backing vocals like the slower LP version). This was due to a musician's union ban on (totally) miming on TV.
