Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kenny Rogers: Just Dropped in to See What Condition My Online-Gambling Empire Is In

A friend of Advancement heard an interview with Kenny Rogers about his online gambling business, which is based in Belize. As you may know, Rogers got into a little trouble with the law because of his gambling, but shot his way out of it (actually the charges were dropped). According to the interview, he now has set his sights on developing some innovative technology that will revolutionize Internet gambling (embracing new technology is Advanced as is being a good businessman). The fun part about all this is that, like the Beach Boys who didn't surf, he's a gambler doesn't actually gamble: "I can't win enough to excite me, but I can lose enough to depress me," he says. He and Jimmy Buffet should get together and buy a baseball team or something. Or maybe a laid-back alternative to Wal-Mart?

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